Design Notes

CastAway Villa was built using the latest techniques in sustainable construction.

Building materials have been carefully chosen to create a warm and quiet haven for guests to relax and rejuvenate.

Our brief was to construct a villa on the edge of the rainforest while minimizing the impact of the rainforest environment. 

Our amazing team coordinated by architect Christian Venegas Picado and Greivin Badilla’s construction team coupled with our vision and attention to detail shows that amazing minds can create beautiful designs even on a small scale. It is designed to blend in perfectly with its natural environment, its glass walls making it virtually invisible at times.

Natural lighting is abundant. Building materials have been chosen to minimize environmental impact. Furniture and decorations incorporate natural and organic elements: wood, shells, rocks, glass and steel. The sustainable, eco-friendly feel is enhanced by softwood detailing a natural color scheme and local materials to make the house attuned to its magical surrounding.

CastAway is an amazing project which we take pride in. From the high-quality materials and unique statement pieces to outstanding service and the setting, we have poured our heart and soul into this property and this place and we hope you will fall in love with it just as we did.